Yoga first met me at the age of 19 in the form of a booklet, which I received as a gift for the first trip to India. Since then, yoga has been a constant companion on my life path.
In 1996 I discovered the method of BKS Iyengar. In 2001 I visited the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Pune, India for the first time.
2004 – 2007 Training at the BIYVD in Berlin, certification as an Iyengar Yoga teacher. In 2004 + 2007 I studied again at the Ramamani Iyengar Yoga Institute in Pune. 2011 one month stay at the YogGanga Institute in Dehradun “Yoga and Ayurveda”.
Further education in Remedial Work Iyengar®-Yoga. Member of the SIY Association Swiss Iyengar Yoga / IYVD Iyengar Yoga Association Germany.
For over 30 years yoga has accompanied me like a red thread on my life path. From the more physically oriented yoga practice at the beginning, an examination of his philosophical background has developed, which inspires me to explore his possibilities of influencing everyday life. Yoga helps me to direct my own energies into paths in order to accept everyday life with serenity and empathy.
My students are my teachers: The daily encounters with yoga practitioners over many years is a mutual learning process. There is always something new to discover and something traditional to say goodbye – both for me and for my students. Some of them are now yoga teachers themselves, whom I enjoy accompanying on their way.