Known as “The Food Oracle,” Lainie “Sevante” Wulkan is the Founder of CIFT
Center for Intuitive Food Therapy™.
She’s a Wellness Author with a chapter in the international bestseller, Energy Healer’s Oracle – Tools for Total Transformation, is Co-Author of The Food Healing Oracle Deck® – Nourishing Wisdom from Mother Earth, Volume I, Second Helpings, Volume II and Smoothies – Nourishing Wisdom Beyond the Blend! and is currently working on a brand new Oracle Deck and a collaboration with renowned Angelic Master Healer, Angela Orora Medway Smith about Angels and food and a 24 Author Collaboration called High Vibrational Eating – Intuitive Healing Therapies to Nourish Your Body Temple.
She holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics from California State University Northridge’s renowned Food Science Center and is a Certified Advanced Food Healing Instructor from Jeff Primack’s Conquering All Disease Program in which she graduated top of her class.
She’s a fourth generation intuitive and has been providing oracle and tarot readings her entire life. As an Advanced Theta Healer, she combines her energy healing and oracle readings in her private sessions to unlock subconscious beliefs and discover the areas of stagnation to allow greater flow and health for your mind, body and spirit. She is also Certified as a Violet Flame Chakra Activation and Sound Healer.