As a physics graduate and trained actress, making the transition to full time yoga teacher wasn’t the obvious choice. However after getting hooked on the physical practice of Yoga in London Katarina was left wanting more. She travelled to India and explored the lighter practice of Sivananda and soon realized what an integral part of her physical and mental wellbeing it had become, she knew that the next step was a teacher training.
Over the following few years, Katarina completed Teacher Trainings in Ashtanga, Ashtanga Vinyasa (Rocket Yoga), Mandala Vinyasa, Yin & Pregnancy Yoga; with The Yoga People, David Kyle, Ambra Valo & Uma Dinsmore-Tiuli. Katarina continues to build on her advanced teacher training as expanding her knowledge, to pass on to her students, is something she’s very passionate about.
Katarina has co-taught teacher trainings for the last 3 years and is very excited to be leading the Kindred School of Yoga 200hr Teacher Training.