
- 04/05/2024

Un viaggio di sette giorni alla scoperta di te stesso. Un’occasione unica per approfondire la tua pratica e per ricaricarti. Per sintonizzare il tuo corpo/mente con i ritmi della natura, nella sua bellezza e nel suo silenzio, approfittando della primavera, dei suoi colori e della sua energia che ci ispira a rifiorire.


- 08/11/2023

Join Zen Yoga Garage on their soulful retreat from the city to the cyclades. 7 Days  at Okreblue Seaside Yoga retreat center in Paros, Greece.


- 28/10/2023

Join me on this wonderful island, in the north of Paros at NAOUSA (approx. 30 min from airport).


- 15/10/2023

Here at North Fork Yoga Shala, in Greenport, we are really proud of our expanding offering of several retreats both near and far as well as the variety of workshops and trainings that we hold both with our own instructors and talented guest instructors and facilitators.


- 10/10/2023

Inside each of us lives a mythic being waiting to be brought to light. Are you ready to give yourself permission to be real, daring, eternal, and far more joyful than you ever imagined possible? Join Carlie Chislof and Antonia Callas for seven days of magic, fun and wellness in magical Athens and the enchanting island of Paros.


- 08/10/2023

Join with Bita and Moses as you let time slow down and help you rejuvenate in the heart of the Aegean. Allow the tranquility and charm of an unspoiled ecological retreat where you can swim, walk and contemplate as you practice and self reflect in the healing waters right at your doorstep.


- 05/10/2023

Genieße dein Leben Lass dich von den Elementen des Lebens näheren & inspirieren Erlebe Freiheit neu in Dir Paros ist die griechische Insel par excellence: paradiesische Strände, blaue und weiße Fischerdörfer und bezaubernde Einheimische.


- 01/10/2023

"Don’t dismiss the elements. Water soothes and heals. Air refreshes and revives. Earth grounds and holds. Fire is a burning reminder of our own will and creative power. Swallow their spells. There’s a certain sweet comfort in knowing that you belong to them all." ~ Victoria Erickson


- 16/09/2023

Join Katy Appleton and Debbie Lewis for a week of revelation and inspiration! Merging the worlds of appleyoga and functional medicine this will be the week you return home not just rested and restored - but with new long term, sustainable health habits.