From the first breath we inhale during the very first second of our lives in this dimension, we are conditioned to believe that our existence is one-dimensional. “1+1 =2” seems logical, but in its logic lies its biggest flaw!
What if what we know as “logic” is just another means of programming?
What if our existence does not necessarily have to follow what we are conditioned to know as a “logical” path?
What will “really” happen if we embrace the various layers of Chaos and their gifts?
What if we could decide which level or layer of perception we would operate from and influence the real story of your existence?
What If we knew that we have a complex network of brains strategically placed around our bodies and it affects our decision making in ways we could never imagine?
What if we understood experientially that the body and the mind are connected and influence one another?
What if we found out two of the most potent methods of programming is physiology & language?
What if you knew how your Subconscious Brand works and what you Master Metaphor is?
People are cartographers & storytellers, and the human experience is nothing less than a subjective map with a sole purpose to help us navigate through life’s shallows and riffs and safely lead us to the direction of what we really desire to become. As the map is not the territory but only a drawing of it, maps should change when our needs change, as life unfolds its veils.
We gather a massive amount of information which we store and process in an invisible complex system of internal gears, filters, processes and a network of Brain structures, our “Subconscious Brand©” and manifest their outcome via the only measurable component of this system: The human Behavior!
As partly Storytellers, we use our behaviors to create stories in order to communicate and all these stories draw from our Master Metaphor which is the deep, primal and powerful story we all have within!
Tantrik philosophy offers the analytical tool of the three “malas,” or impurities, to help us cognitively unveil the obstacles to the experience of our infinite nature. These malas are likened veils obscuring the truth, veiling our true nature.
The three malas are: anava mala, mayiya mala and karma mala.
Do we accept the teaching that we are truly the Self of the Universe?
Do you believe deep down in your bones that you are eligible for Self Realization and Awakening?
This is a practice of the bold body language, of skill and freedom, as if we are accepting the mantle of our ultimate identity.
This 7-day Yoga & NLP Retreat is a gateway and a foundation in understanding all the layers of our life happens within and gain a certain level of control over them. You will understand the concept the Subconscious Brand and the Master Metaphor and replenish the connection between your body and your mind. Although the knowledge and methods presented and used come from diverse fields such as Neurosciences, Business, NLP, yoga, esoteric disciplines and ancient wisdom, the intention is to demystify a big part of the myths which surround them and bring down to the level of producing real world results!