Yin Yoga & TCM Immersion with Cecilia Cerza



Yin Yoga & TCM Immersion with Cecilia Cerza

In these classes each day we will focus on one of the 5 Elements of TCM combining these principles with the Yin yoga practice, stimulating and bringing awareness to the meridian lines through chosen Asanas, aiming to avoid stagnation of the QI. This creates an opportunity to observe aspects of your body on a deeper level aiming you to move towards balance.

According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) there are energetic lines (called meridians) running along our body and moving the QI (Vital Energy). Each meridian represents a single organ and connects the internal (organ) to the external (exterior tissues). In these classes each day we will focus on one of the 5 Elements of TCM combining these principles with the Yin yoga practice, stimulating and bringing awareness to the meridian lines through chosen Asanas, aiming to avoid stagnation of the QI. This creates an opportunity to observe aspects of your body on a deeper level aiming you to move towards balance.

People can join as a 5 days course or as a drop in class. All levels are welcome.


Daily afternoon practice with Cecilia followed by a delicious vegetarian dinner, time off to explore the island, enjoy the beautiful beaches just steps away from your room, possibility to join the morning classes at Okreblue, get a massage from one of our experienced practitioners. There is going to be plenty of time to dedicate to yourself in a nourishing and peaceful environment.


970 euro single room / 780 euro double room per person.

5 nights (sunday to friday) yoga + HBD


For more information and registration please contact Cecilia Cerza at [email protected] / [email protected]


Cecilia Cerza

My Yoga journey started in 2012 while studying Zen Shiatsu in Barcelona. After a few years of working as a massage therapist, fascinated from the energetic body and the oriental view, I wanted to deepen my knowledge and understand how to apply it in my massage treatments.

This brought me to Yoga as I was looking for something that could help me to be clean, aligned and strong to be a better vehicle for my clients.

Yoga become a lifestyle. In 2017 I did my first teacher training in Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga, and few months later in Yin Yoga. After about 2 years of teaching I joined and assisted Tanya Popovich in her Hatha-Vinyasa advanced teacher training program. After exploring different styles and studying with different teachers around the world, I was introduced to the Ashtanga Vinyasa method from the much appreciated Prem and Radha Carlisi, while living in Indonesia. Ashtanga become my main personal practice and a big part of my life. I was fortunate to practice and train with amazing and inspiring teachers along my way like Kristina Karitinou in Greece and, moved from the curiosity in source of new inspirations and experiences to be able to travel to Mysuru, India and learn from brilliant Ajay Kumar.

I love to bring the principles of Zen Shiatsu in my Yoga classes, specially while guiding Yin practices. As well as in my body treatments where I intuitively combine deep tissue techniques while focusing on pressure points and meridian lines according to the needs of the clients.


We are here to help you decide which retreat option is best suited to you. Please contact us to book, or to have your questions answered.