Marissa Tenekedes
Sixteen years ago, in the final surrender of savasana, tears began to run down the side of Marissa’s face, and it was then that she realized that yoga was much more than just a workout. The mind-body connection that this amazing practice ignites warmed her soul. She fell in love with how the practice empowered her to simply live in the present moment and let go of all expectations and self-doubt.

Her passion inspires her to create a comfortable, non-judgmental, high-vibing atmosphere of growth through sequencing, music, and body and breath awareness. Self and experiential exploration allow her to gain relatable knowledge that she believes creates a deeper student-teacher connection. It is Marissa’s sankalpa to spread joy and a new perspective with an open heart and an empathetic ear to her students and beyond.

Marissa has founded and managed many companies in and outside of the yoga/wellness world. She completed her 200hr YTT at Corepower Yoga is 2013, her sculpt certification in 2014, and just completed ZYG’s first ever 300hr YTT certification this year (2023). Marissa is also certified in teaching psychologically-sensitive yoga and is 100hr meditation certified.