Summer Yoga Retreat with Yogacharya Swami Sri Venudas



Summer Yoga Retreat with Yogacharya Swami Sri Venudas

8 Days Hatha Yoga Retreat with Swami Sri Venudas
Hatha Yoga is an ancient way of life, in harmony with nature. In Indian culture, Bharathiya Samskruthi states that Hatha Yoga represents a purposeful Dharmic Life. This is a life which is established and sustained from generation to generation and is at one with the laws of nature. Hatha Yoga works towards the ultimate goal of Moksha – an incomparable state of liberation and unchangeable bliss, which leads you to Self realization. Despite emphasis on the importance of Asanas, pranayamas and meditation in yoga, the Saadhaka’s (yoga practitioner’s) ultimate goal is a state of peace and supreme stillness.
As modern day humans, we are challenged by the stresses of daily life, and by a fear of the future. This stress and fear can cause serious damage in our societies. The Paramparya Swadhyayam (traditional learning) of Hatha Yoga develops self-awareness, settling the mind and the soul. Practicing Hatha Yoga enables one to manage the complexities of life, meaning that this ephemeral life can be a flame – not a shame!
As humans, we have the opportunity to experience enlightenment. It is our responsibility to chose the right path; the one that the Rishis (the great forefathers – Gurus) have shown us. Hatha Yoga opens up this Gurus) have shown us. Hatha Yoga opens up this path for each person who uses it’s approach as part of every day life. Upon this path, happiness is not dependent on any external factors, but comes from within. Because Yoga is not apart from Life – it is a part of Life…

This experience is an intensive 8 days Yoga Retreat, which includes Hatha Yoga Asana practice, Pranayama, Meditation and Mantra singing. It demands the full commitment of the participants as well as respect of the timetable. Participants are kindly requested to avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol.
Also all are invited to prefer organic vegetarian food during these days.
As it is a progressive program, every participant must attend the whole Retreat. There will be a meeting with all participants with Swamiji on August 1st.


3h in the morning and 2h in the evening that includes Soorya Namaskaaram and Chandra Namaskaaram.
Precise time table will be given later on.


Please contact


What makes Okreblue more special, is the organic home grown vegetables that are used for the delicious meals at Caretta restaurant-lounge (Okreblue’s restaurant)

We will enjoy delicious meals prepared using ancient Ayurvedic principles. We’ll share meals together twice daily (brunch and dinner) on the open deck with an amazing view of the Aegean Sea. The kitchen will stay open between meals for smoothies, salads or snacks.


Each participant is responsible for his/her own trip. You can reach Paros by plane or take a boat from Athens. Then, you may take a taxi to Okreblue which is around 16km from the port.


Swami Sri Venudas

Swami Sri Venudas is a Yoga master and Carnatic singer.
He was born in Kerala, south India, where he was initiated to Yoga and singing by his grand father and Guru Sri Vasudeva Perumal (Yoga teacher, Vedanta philosopher, Ayurveda practitioner, poet and singer). In 1996 he came to Europe and settled in Paris where he now practices and teaches Yoga according to the Dharma (the order that makes life and universe possible and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and a ‘‘right way of living”).
Spiritual master, he passes on his knowledge based especially on the Vedantha, Bhagavad Geetha and Pathanjali Yoga Sutras.
Swami Sri Venudas teaches in a simple and sincere way, from master to disciple, according to the Guru-Kula and Guru Sishya Parambara system.
As a singer, Swami Sri Venudas has given concerts in India and Paris and has initiated many students. Swami Sri Venudas also travels across Europe where he spreads his teachings by giving workshops.


We are here to help you decide which retreat option is best suited to you. Please contact us to book, or to have your questions answered.