Iyengar Yoga Retreat in Greece with Janet MacLeod



Iyengar Yoga Retreat in Greece with Janet MacLeod

Although Yoga can be practiced anywhere, the environment can certainly have an effect. Join me for the retreat of a lifetime on the peaceful island of Paros, a perfectly positive place!

Attending this Yoga Retreat is a wonderful gift you can give to yourself.

Spending a week in a peaceful environment by the sea, relax with the sound of the waves while being uplifted by sunshine and blue skies. Enjoying healthy meals and practicing yoga daily.

Iyengar Yoga is well known for its therapeutic applications and alternative asanas will be offered as necessary.

Often after doing yoga daily for one week, students continue this practice after they return home. Those already doing yoga daily, will find that their practice is deeper.


The morning yoga sessions will be more dynamic and there will be a class each day – Monday to Saturday.

The afternoon class will emphasize restorative asanas and pranayama.

There will be two afternoons off – Wednesday and Friday giving you some time to explore the island after lunch.

More detailed Okreblue Retreat Schedule:

Sunday 07/23/23

3:00 pm – Arrival

6:00 pm – Orientation

6:45 pm – Dinner

Monday 07/24/23 & Tuesday 07/25/23, Thursday 07/27/23 & Saturday 07/29/23

7:00 am – Fruit/Coffee/Tea

7:30-9:30 am – Yoga

9:45 am – Breakfast

4:00-5:30 pm – Yoga

6:45 pm – Dinner

Wednesday 07/26/23 & Friday 07/28/23

7:00 am – Fruit/Coffee/Tea

7:30-9:30 am – Yoga

9:45 am – Breakfast

No pm class – time to explore

6:45 pm – Dinner

Sunday 07/30/23

9:45 am – Breakfast

11:00 am – Departure


Rates are per person

Single     $2500

Double   $2000

Triple     $1500

( non-yoga participants less $200)

Rooms are limited – Register early to ensure your choice

Rates include:

All Yoga classes; Accommodation; Brunch and Dinner daily.



What makes Okreblue more special, is the organic home grown vegetables that are used for the delicious meals at Caretta restaurant-lounge (Okreblue’s restaurant)

We will enjoy delicious meals prepared using ancient Ayurvedic principles. We’ll share meals together twice daily (brunch and dinner) on the open deck with an amazing view of the Aegean Sea. The kitchen will stay open between meals for smoothies, salads or snacks.



Janet MacLeod

Janet MacLeod began studying yoga in London during the late 1970’s and continues to study with the Iyengar family both in the West and in India. She has been a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) since 1983.

She teaches ongoing classes at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco (IYISF) and is also an assessor for the National Certification Committee. This provides her with a deep understanding of Iyengar Yoga.

Born on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, Janet has travelled to many parts of the world offering workshops and retreats. She has also taught at the Yoga Journal conference in San Francisco.

Before devoting herself to teaching exclusively, Janet was the Program Director at IYISF. In 2001 she co-chaired the National Iyengar Yoga Conference in Pasadena where 850 students studied under Geeta S. Iyengar (BKS Iyengar’s daughter).

Her style of teaching is faithful to the ancient tradition of yoga, but is infused with love and light. Janet believes in sharing the joy that she has found in yoga with all who come in contact with her. This along with the technical skills she has accumulated over many years of personal practice, study and teaching make her a much sought after teacher wherever she goes.


We are here to help you decide which retreat option is best suited to you. Please contact us to book, or to have your questions answered.