


7 day Embodied flow Yoga & Meditation Retreat for all levels. Led by Tara Judelle A week to submerge into the landscape of embodying the doorways to flow.

There is no place I feel the container of my limited self flow into the bigger energy of a universal Self than swimming in the turquoise sea in Paros. If you are a Somatic traveler like myself and obsessed with the discovery of an awakened Self, you crave an intentional container for practicing and moving in the essence of the ground of Being.

This immersion offers an intentional dive into the practices that transform us. An immersion distinguishes itself from a retreat by creating a continuous sanctuary for practice and fluency wherein the commitment to our given topic – the Journey to Self- is shared by all those who choose to attend.

Held in the ongoing cocoon of practice, this brand new offering is designed for everybody that craves a comprehensive container for gathering in order to submerge into the meditative space (the fourth state) weaving it into an integrative experience of the open-eyed waking experience in our day to day life. This is what the yogis consider “Mastery of the Self”.

Immersion topics will include

  • Anchoring in the energy of Self

  • Tantric philosophy of Self and the means of liberation

  • Listening, moving, and acting from the Intuitive Self

  • Closed-eye and open-eyed practices for integrating the fourth state into the waking state

  • Practices to develop resource, resilience, agency, and adaptability

  • Clarifying the landscape of the body as the living essence and doorway to consciousness itself

  • Reciprocity – learning to respond to stimulus from your resourced Self

  • Psychological approaches to meeting parts of Self that may be in shadow.

  • Somatic movement practices unveiling the textures and tones of Embodied Self

  • Tools for releasing stagnation in the physical and mental bodies

This immersion is for you if you

  • Wish for an incubation period in the viscous space of the meditative field whilst interacting in a rich environment with others, as the group mind offers a resonating field for transformation.

  • You desire to know Self in an embodied way and to anchor in the truth of that knowing.

  • You desire to decode the infinite patterns and perceptions that obfuscate the clarity in order to find our true inner compass.


As we will practice in the loving field of the Mediterranean Sea on the Cycladic gem of Paros, Okreblue retreat center offers beautiful shalas, organic meals, and stunning sunrises and sunsets. Mornings will begin with meditation, breathwork, and self-inquiry, followed by a dynamic morning, asana/movement practice. In the afternoons we will play with somatic practices, self-inquiry, and self-expression, followed by an evening movement practice. Practices will be curated for the group.

Please find a sample schedule below and note this is to give you an indication only.

  • 7:00 – 8:30            Meditation, Pranayama, Journaling

  • 8:30 – 9.00            Light Snack

  • 9:00 – 10:30        Dynamic yoga and somatic movement explorations

  • 10:30 – 11.30        Brunch

  • 11.30 – 15:00          Free time

  • 15:00 – 17:00         Gathering & Practices

  • 18:00 – 19:30 Evening Practice

  • 19:30 – Onwards    Dinner


Standard Rooms – To see the room categories please have look here

$1679USD Shared Standard Room + Brunch & Dinner, per person

$1919 USD Single Standard Room + Brunch & Dinner

Superior Rooms – To see the room categories please have look here

$1709 USD Shared Superior Room + Brunch & Dinner, per person

$1959 USD Single Superior Room + Brunch & Dinner


Daily breakfast/brunch and dinner is included with the retreat. You will be nourished by the food grown in Okreblue’s own organic gardens. Our private chefs offer daily sumptuous organic, Indian/Mediterranean infused farm to table vegetarian meals from our garden or local farmers. All of our meals are served in our cafe /dining hall Caretta.
Vegan, gluten free, wheat free, dairy free diets and other special diets can be accommodated upon request.
Apart from our included meals, the cafe is open daily and serves light meals and drinks. Tea as well as drinking filtered water is available all day.


For additional information please contact: [email protected]


Tara Judelle

Tara Judelle
My own journey, like most seekers, was one that started with a search for wholeness and the need to alleviate my from my own suffering.

In hindsight the angst that started in my early teens, was, more than anything I could point to, a sense of fundamental longing that comes with our human birth. The one of feeling separate and alienated by the thought constructs of our individual mind.

I practiced guided meditation on cassette tapes. I ran. I looked for God. I found relieve in movement, in dance, in theater, in art, in writing. While I studied extensively and found ways to translate the language of formlessness into form through those mediums there was an underlying connective state I was still in search of. The search took me through University in New York, and to drama school in North Carolina, I still had the underlying anxiousness of what the yoga would call “the mind stuff”.

Where these mediums coalesce/intersect and create the bi-direction spectrum of the Self is through the medium of yoga.

Looking for a language that didn’t require actors, an audience, I found a friend practicing asanas. She gave me a book with stick figures and I started practicing in my room. I moved to Los Angeles in 1997, and took my first official yoga class as an adult in a gym. Afterwards I promptly quit the gym and followed the yoga teacher.

For the next four years, as I struggled as a writer in Hollywood, I found a class once or twice a day. I was writing screenplays, and ultimately wrote and directed a feature film, but yoga had become my obsession.

For the past 20 years I have relentlessly pursued the deeper meanings of yoga. With asana as a gateway, I stepped into philosophy (specifically the non-dual northern based philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism) as taught to me by my teachers Sally Kempton, Carlos Pomeda and Paul Muller Ortega. As well as the Sri Vidya southern based goddess tradition with Douglas Brooks.

From Sally Kempton I studied and practice meditation in earnest. I shed many many layers.

In 2008, desperate to take my understanding of the body infinitely deeper than asana, I found the world of Body Mind Centering®, and have since studied with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Amy Matthews and Myra Avedon who unpacked the world of somatics as ways of bringing the felt since of the three-dimensional body to the broader meaning of the technology of tantra.

The pursuit is always harnessed by my desire to bring the tantric technology to life through the body, not just in meditation but in movement, action ,and group mind.

My teaching and practice were based in Los Angeles, until 2010, I moved to Bali exclusively for 2 years, and from 2012 I have traveled the world offering trainings, workshops, immersions and retreats.

In 2014, I founded the School of Embodied Flow™ with my co-creator Dr. Scott Lyons, who I met through the world of Body Mind Centering®. Together we wanted as a way to bring together the technologies of somatics, tantra, psychology and yoga into a continuum of movement and mindfulness to awaken our whole Self.

We now have taught students from over 50 countries, and have a teaching network of 20 certified teachers and more than 20 inspired teachers in Embodied Flow™.


We are here to help you decide which retreat option is best suited to you. Please contact us to book, or to have your questions answered.