Divine within – Yoga & Inner work retreat with Anita Jetzer & Tapashi



Divine within – Yoga & Inner work retreat with Anita Jetzer & Tapashi

Divine within - Yoga & Inner work retreat with Anita Jetzer
Divine within – Yoga & Inner work retreat
Connect with the divine within on the land of gods.

This retreat is aimed at washing away old, accumulated patterns that create energetic blockages to cleanse the palette and to create a fresh new energy as much in the subtle energetic body as in the gross physical body.

Tapashi blends subtle yogic practices and qi-kung into a fluid and meditative practice. She brings in elements of natural movement to induce an involuntary trembling of specific parts of the body as an exercise in trauma-release – quite literally shaking out old emotional memories stored in the fabric of the body.

Anita uses holistic coaching techniques, yogic wisdom and the power of conscious connected breathwork to guide through transformative journeys. She believes in the capacity of self-healing and loves to bring in elements of nature to support the process.


Morning Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation & Classes
Free time to enjoy the sun and the sea
Afternoon Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation & Classes


For more information and registration please visit  www.breathatelier.comhttps://tapashiyoga.com or contact [email protected][email protected]


For more information and registration please visit  www.breathatelier.comhttps://tapashiyoga.com or contact [email protected][email protected]


Tapashi & Anita

Tapashi blends subtle yogic practices and qi-kung into a fluid and meditative practice. She brings in elements of natural movement to induce an involuntary trembling of specific parts of the body as an exercise in trauma-release – quite literally shaking out old emotional memories stored in the fabric of the body.

Anita uses holistic coaching techniques, yogic wisdom and the power of conscious connected breathwork to guide through transformative journeys. She believes in the capacity of self-healing and loves to bring in elements of nature to support the process.


We are here to help you decide which retreat option is best suited to you. Please contact us to book, or to have your questions answered.