As a baby girl born in Amsterdam on February 11, 1968. Her mother and grandfather being famous Dutch singers and her dad a guitarist; music was her first love. When she was born the Dutch newspapers announced her birth with the headline “When will Daniëlle record her first single?” She was a happy quiet girl who did not use her voice for singing but for talking with the animals, nature and other children instead. Dancing was her way of feeling deep joy inside herself.
Early in life, in her teenage years, she met the love of her life, John. Together with him they lived all around the world and built a family. She calls her children, Davey and Estelle, her most important Gurus in life. During her pregnancies she got introduced to Yoga and with conscious breathing practices her childbirths became the most extraordinary experiences of her life. And with that her purpose for being on earth was clear; motherhood. When her children didn’t need her 24/7 any longer, she started her search on the spiritual path which peaked in April 2005 when she had an experience of oneness. She is thankful to all of her spiritual teachers along the path that helped her reach this state. Many of them are mentioned in the two books she wrote but the three most important ones being; Berna Ooms, Katiza Satya and Bob Adamson.
Dancing in Heaven.
Dutch housewife Berna Ooms with a direct communication channel with the Universe, taught her about energy healing, herbs, positive affirmations, praying, tarot cards and aura reading. She also introduced Daniëlle to Yoga.
Dancing on Earth.
Yoga teacher Katiza Satya taught her the Yoga practices, the Yogini lifestyle and certified her to teach Hatha Yoga. But above all, Katiza is the person that made her fall in love with Yoga and sparked her exploration journey to different yoga styles; e.g. Ashtanga, Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Jnana, Nidra and Kundalini. She started teaching in 2004 in her Dutch home garden studio and created her own form of yoga combining different styles and calling it “Heart Flow Yoga”.
Connecting the Dances of Heaven and Earth.
Sailor Bob Adamson, a Non-Duality teacher gave her Shaktipat: a transforming, healing light of the Universe which flows through the teacher to the student. Bob confirmed the connection of heaven and earth for her, the oneness of all, and that forever is always NOW.
Daniëlle resides since September 2019 in Greece and feels blessed to live in this authentic beautiful country of light and share all of her tools with you in this retreat.
Healing of the Heart, 2014.
Yoga teacher since 2004.
Holistic massage therapist,1999.
Reiki 1, 1998.
Mantra Meditation Album “Heart Flow” recorded in 2014.
Author of “ The Big Truth “ (Dutch – 2015) and “ In the light of love ” (Dutch – coming in 2021).