✫ Divine Play ~ Lila ✫ in Paros, Greece



✫ Divine Play ~ Lila ✫ in Paros, Greece

During this 6 night 7 day retreat we will dive deep into the practices of yoga; sacred silence, meditation, asana (vinyasa flow), and chanting with sacred dance to explore the secret and depth of the rhythm of your breath, experiencing the power of PRANA the Divine Medicine.

You are invited to turn memory into wisdom, releasing yourself from the illusion of separation and entering the clarity and bliss of unity consciousness.

This experience is all about growth. We call it Accelerated Evolution. It’s a fast track, not a shortcut, to your best Self.

Everything you experience in life is the result of your vibrational state. In this retreat, you will learn to tune your vibration to its highest alignment, facilitate your own healing, and acquire new life skills and methods. With conscious connected breathwork, spiritual psychology, and Conscious Evolution Training, you will breakthrough from a limited mindset, dissolve old sabotaging patterns and free yourself from past programming. It is your conscious breathing that is the key to unlocking your inner freedom, peace, harmony and unconditional self-love.

In this week you will breathe in your Best Self, reveal your inner strength and discover yourself from a new perspective. This is you, optimized. The best part is that what you experience in this retreat is something that you will keep for life. Your spiritual tool kit will grow. Your emotional enlightenment will expand, and what you learn are skills that you can use in your day-to-day life, and even share with others.

All you need to invest in is your openness, to be honest with yourself, the allowance to surrender, and your self-commitment to understand that you are the answer – there are no others. You are both the creator and the creation of your reality.

You will become that light that you seek to see in the world.

You free yourself from the shackles of the past and enter the divine play – Lila.

Join us in this light-spirited deep dive of Self-Realization, and discover your most fulfilling Self so you can share with the world that gift that only YOU are and have.


The Retreat is open on the 17th of July at 3 PM and you are welcome to arrive anytime in the morning to enjoy the property and the beach.
**RETREAT begins at 4 PM**
Check out at 12PM on the 23rd.



Payment plans are welcome

A non-refundable deposit of AED1,100 (that goes towards your booking)

8 weeks before arrival full payment must be made

Cancellation 2 months prior to retreat, full refund minus deposit

Cancellation 1-month prior to retreat, 50% refund minus deposit

Cancellation 2 weeks prior, no refund

No refunds will be made for failure to attend or to complete


Daily brunch and dinner are included in the retreat price. You will be nourished by the food grown in Okreblue’s own organic gardens. Private chefs offer daily organic, Indian/Mediterranean infused farm-to-table vegetarian meals.
All of the meals are served in the café /dining hall of the retreat space.
Vegan, gluten free, wheat free, dairy free diets and other special diets can be accommodated upon request.
Apart from the included meals, the café is open daily and serving light meals and drinks. Tea as well as drinking filtered water is available all day free of charge.





Melissa Ghatas & Dela Catudal

Melissa Ghatas

Inspiration comes from experiencing freedom, joy and acceptance. Understanding that through aligning oneself with their dharma (purpose), one is a free spirit.
Through breath and love I have come to understand my innate purity, penetrating an inner awakening to spirit and discovering my own mantra ‘Trust in Spirit’.

In moments of deepest confusion, despair and doubt I felt I have been guided by a force that cannot be seen or heard, but that I can only sense. Not always in tune with my own rhythm or aware of the external pulse that guides my path, I found this energy was returning and presenting itself in a state of clearer resonance. In nurturing my body, my mind and my spirit, I realized I was shedding my outer layers and discovering my inner beauty; my spiritual intent. The more self-enquiry meditation I practice, the more self-assured I am and the clearer my journey on this path of yoga becomes.

It’s through this freedom of movement that I have found my way to express myself and discover a new wave of inner awakening.


Dela Catudal

is a Consciousness Evolution Teacher committed her life to the evolution and development of humanity.

Over the past 15 plus years, she has facilitated the awakening and transformation of the lives of thousands of human beings across the planet.

Her experiential path, combining years of global travel and living in different countries like the Azores – Portugal, Thailand, Bali, Australia, Dubai – UAE, Canada, The Maldives and all-around Europe. Dela is always driven by continued self-studies, a deep love of humanity and all living beings on planet earth Gaia. Her main focus always leads to raising the frequency of humanity to the next level of existence by opening the gates for every individual to the evolution of the true Self to be the effectual impact on the collective.

“You recognize that you are the Effect in the Collective, when you become Aware that you are the Cause as well”.

Her constant deepening of her own personal embodiment of evolutionary methods, have manifested into the creation of BREATHOLUTION – You Are The Answer, where she guides human beings from separation to unity Consciousness.

“Heal, Integrate and Purify the 3DMatrix within you – you Master Love and Unification of the Self, the Gateway to the 4 th and 5 th Dimension – Love is the key and the path – the Light and the Wisdom will follow”.

Her ground-breaking methodologies in combination of Breathwork and her multidimensional teachings have made her globally well-known and recognised for her life transformation ceremonies and group gatherings.

She works with everyone from Professional Athletic Teams, top CEOs to Government Officials, Celebrities, Moms & Dad and everyone in between who is ready to shift past memories into wisdom. Dela’s Mission by offering her services to humanity is to bring back into Conscious Awareness what WE ALL in truth are in essence – One Unified Collective of Human Beings.

“Recognizing the light and the shadows within you, is the first step of self-realisation and to come back home to yourself, this is why you are here – to recognise who you truly are and to realise that you are a Divine Conscious Creator. But you need to experiencing and therefore to know who you are not to understand and to step into who you truly are in essence”.

Dear Sister, Dear Brother, Thank You for being the Shift you so wish and seek to see in the World.

Let Self-Love guide You,



We are here to help you decide which retreat option is best suited to you. Please contact us to book, or to have your questions answered.